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Amy Schmid

and 9 more

Microbial cells must continually adapt their physiology in the face of changing environmental conditions. Archaea living in extreme conditions, such as saturated salinity, represent important examples of such resilience. The model salt-loving organism Haloferax volcanii exhibits remarkable plasticity in its morphology, biofilm formation, and motility in response to variations in nutrients and cell density. However, the mechanisms regulating these lifestyle transitions remain unclear. In prior research, we showed that the transcriptional regulator, TrmB, maintains the rod shape in the related species Halobacterium salinarum by activating the expression of enzyme-coding genes in the gluconeogenesis metabolic pathway. In Hbt. salinarum, TrmB-dependent production of glucose moieties is required for cell surface glycoprotein biogenesis. Here we use a combination of genetics, quantitative phenotyping, and gene expression assays to demonstrate that TrmB is essential for growth under gluconeogenic conditions in Hfx. volcanii. The ∆ trmB strain rapidly accumulated suppressor mutations in a gene encoding a novel transcriptional regulator, which we name Trm B su ppressor, or TbsP. TbsP is required for adhesion to abiotic surfaces (i.e. biofilm formation), and maintains wild type cell morphology, and motility. TrmB and TbsP jointly regulate the glucose-dependent transcription of gapII, which encodes an important gluconeogenic enzyme. We conclude that TrmB and TbsP co-regulate gluconeogenesis, with downstream impacts on lifestyle transitions in response to nutrients in Hfx. volcanii.