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Christian T. Wild

and 9 more

The Dotson Ice Shelf has resisted acceleration and ice-front retreat despite high basal-melt rates and rapid disaggregation of the neighboring Crosson Ice Shelf. Because of this lack of acceleration, previous studies have assumed that Dotson is stable. Here we show clear evidence of Dotson's destabilization as it decelerates, contrary to the common assumption that ice-flow deceleration is synonymous with stability. Ungrounding of a series of pinning points initiated acceleration in the Upper Dotson in the early 2000s, which subsequently slowed ice flow in the Lower Dotson. Discharge from the tributary Kohler Glacier into Crosson increased, but non-proportionally. Using ICESat and ICESat-2 altimetry data we show that ungrounding of the remaining pinning points is linked to a tripling in basal melt rates between 2006-2016 and 2016-2020. Basal melt rates on Crosson doubled over the same period. The higher basal melt at Lower Dotson is consistent with the cyclonic ocean circulation in the Dotson cavity, which tends to lift isopycnals and allow warmer deep water to interact with the ice. Given current surface-lowering rates, we estimate that several remaining pinning points in the Upper Dotson will unground within one to three decades. The grounding line of Kohler Glacier will retreat past a bathymetric saddle by the late 2030s and merge into the Smith West Glacier catchment, raising concern that reconfiguration of regional ice-flow dynamics and new pathways for the intrusion of warm modified Circumpolar Deep Water could further accelerate grounding-line retreat in the Dotson-Crosson Ice Shelf System.
Future mission carrying seismometer payloads to icy ocean worlds will measure global and local seismicity to determine where the ice shell is seismically active. We use two locations, a seismically active site on Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, and a more seismically quiet site on the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet as geophysical analogs. We compare the performance of a single-station seismometer against a small-aperture seismic array to detect both high (> 1 Hz) and low (< 0.1 Hz) frequency events at each site. We created catalogs of high frequency (HF) and low frequency (LF) seismicity at each location using the automated Short-Term Average/ Long-Term Average technique. We find that with a 2-meter small-aperture seismic array, our detection rate increased (9 % for Alaska, 46% for Greenland) over the single-station approach. At Gulkana, we recorded an order of magnitude greater HF events than the Greenland site. We ascribe the HF events sources to a combination of icequakes, rockfalls, and ice-water interactions, while very high frequency events are determined to result from bamboo poles that were used to secure gear. We further find that local environmental noise reduces the ability to detect low-frequency global tectonic events. Based upon this study, we recommend that future missions consider the value of the expanded capability of a small array compared to a single station, design detection algorithms that can accommodate variable environmental noise, and assess the potential landings sites for sources of local environmental noise that may limit detection of global events.

Joanna Young

and 5 more

With a unique biogeophysical signature relative to other freshwater sources, meltwater from glaciers plays a crucial role in the hydrological and ecological regime of high latitude coastal areas. Today, as glaciers worldwide exhibit persistent negative mass balance, glacier runoff is changing in both magnitude and timing, with potential downstream impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and ecosystem resources. However, runoff trends may be difficult to detect in coastal systems with large precipitation variability. Here, we use the coupled energy balance and water routing model SnowModel-HydroFlow to examine changes in timing and magnitude of runoff from the western Juneau Icefield in Southeast Alaska between 1980 to 2016. We find that under sustained glacier mass loss (-0.57 +/-0.12 m w.e. a-1), several hydrological variables related to runoff show increasing trends. This includes annual and spring glacier ice melt volumes (+10% and +16% decade-1) which, because of higher proportions of precipitation, translate to smaller increases in glacier runoff (+3% and +7% decade-1) and total watershed runoff (+1.4% and +3% decade-1). These results suggest that the western Juneau Icefield watersheds are still in an increasing glacier runoff period prior to reaching ‘peak water.’ In terms of timing, we find that maximum glacier ice melt is occurring earlier (2.5 days decade-1), indicating a change in the source and quality of freshwater being delivered downstream in the early summer. Our findings highlight that even in maritime climates with large precipitation variability, high latitude coastal watersheds are experiencing hydrological regime change driven by ongoing glacier mass loss.

Angela Marusiak

and 8 more

The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) project is exploring the science capabilities of seismometers in ocean world analog environments. Ocean worlds, such as Europa, Enceladus and Titan, have thick global icy shells overlying liquid oceans. The icy shells may be seismically active due to tidal stresses. SIIOS tests several seismometers in a small-aperture array in a mock-lander configuration to quantify the ability to detect, locate, and identify seismic sources, as well as constrain local ice structure. The SIIOS experiment was deployed on two terrestrial analogs for ocean worlds. We first deployed on Gulkana Glacier in Alaska in September 2017, and then deployed in Northwestern Greenland, over a subglacial lake from May 2018-August 2018. Both areas serve as analog locations for Europa due to the layering of ice, water and rock. Gulkana was a relatively noisy site due to surface runoff and drainage, higher topographic variation (inducing rockfalls), and proximity to active plate boundaries. Greenland was a quieter site, in part due to its geologic setting high on the ice sheet, as well as from the installation process. During the Greenland deployment, we covered instruments with a large aluminum box that was buried, thus reducing noise from atmospheric and thermal effects. At both analog sites, the instruments passively recorded seismicity and seismic background noise. The passive data was used to create power spectral density (PSDs) and then probability density functions (PDFs), of the background noise. The PDFs of Gulkana showed higher noise levels compared to those of Greenland. Using the passive data, we detected and identified events originating from ice quakes, and in the case of Gulkana; rockfalls and drainage from a nearby moulin. A frequency-dependent polarization analysis was also conducted to indicate the dominant directionality of the background signals through time. The results indicate how background or ambient signals could be used on ocean worlds to characterize the local seismicity.

Chris Carr

and 2 more

Taylor Glacier, located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica has piqued curiosity since the first observations in 1903. Episodic release of iron-rich brine at or near the glacier terminus rapidly oxidizes, forming a visually striking red stain on the ice and glacier forefield called ‘Blood Falls’. The triggering mechanism behind these releases is unknown. The recent history of brine releases have been well documented since the 1993-94 summer season. To better understand the frequency and extent of brine releases over a longer time period we compile a detailed history of observations of the Taylor terminus from photographs, journals, field reports, oral histories, and published papers prior to the onset of more frequent monitoring in the 1990s. We developed a confidence assessment framework for our interpretation of the presence/absence of brine icing deposits. Results show that of the 30 summer seasons between 1903-1904 and 1993-1994 with interpretable observations, 21 seasons (70%) show evidence of brine flow events, and 9 seasons show no evidence of brine flow. At least two of these brine flow events are newly reported by our study. Concurrent observations of the glacier terminus over the same period showed a localized advance and collapse of a small portion of the southern terminus. We demonstrate a framework to fuse multiple data types and qualitatively assess the confidence level of our interpretations that could be applied to similar investigations of environmental history. We encourage other researchers to explore and contribute to the growing collection of open access historical archives.

Angela Marusiak

and 9 more

Introduction: Ocean Worlds are of high interest to the planetary community [1, 2] due to the potential habitability of their subsurface oceans [3–5]. Over the next few decades several missions will be sent to ocean worlds including the Europa Clipper [6], Dragonfly [7], and possibly a Europa lander [8]. The Dragonfly and Europa lander missions will carry seismic payloads tasked with detecting and locating seismic sources. The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) is a NASA PSTAR funded project that investigates ocean world seismology using terrestrial analogs. One goal of the SIIOS experiment is characterizing the local seismic environment of our field sites. Here we present an analysis of detected local events at our field sites at Gulkana Glacier in Alaska and in Northwest Greenland approximately 80 km North of Qaanaaq, Greenland (Fig. 1a). Both field sites passively recorded data for about two weeks. We deployed our experiment on Gulkana Glacier in September 2017 (Fig. 1b) and in Greenland in June 2018 (Fig. 1c). At Gulkana there was a nearby USGS weather station [9] which recorded wind data. Temperature data was collected using the MERRA satellite [10]. In Greenland we deployed our own weather station to collect temperature and wind data. Gulkana represents a noisier and more active environment: Temperatures fluctuated around 0C, allowing for surface runoff to occur during the day. The glacier had several moulins, and during deployment we heard several rockfalls from nearby mountains. In addition to the local environment, Gulkana is located close to an active plate boundary (relative to Greenland). This meant that there were more regional events recorded over two weeks, than in Greenland. Greenland’s local environment was also quieter, and less active: Temperatures remained below freezing. The Greenland ice was much thicker than Gulkana (~850 m [11] versus ~100 m [12, 13]) and our stations were above a subglacial lake. Both conditions can reduce event detections from basal motion. Lastly, we encased our Greenland array in an aluminum vault and buried it beneath the surface unlike our array in Gulkana where the instruments were at the surface and covered with plastic bins. The vault further insulated the array from thermal and atmospheric events. Event Detection and Clustering: To detect local events we filtered the data between 5-20 Hz. Using the Obspy module in python [14], we performed a short-term average/long-term average (STA/LTA) approach to determine where amplitudes spiked. For short term we used 1.5 seconds and 40 seconds and a ratio of 20 to detect events [15]. Through this approach we detect-ed 104 events at our Greenland site and 2252 events at our Gulkana site. The Gulkana site showed a strong correlation with both temperature and changes in temperature, while Greenland did not show this relationship [16]. Once we had a catalog of events, we performed a hierarchal cluster analysis to cluster events.