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Cristiano Caruso

and 17 more

Background: Increasing evidence are available about the presence of increased serum concentration of Immunoglobulin (Ig) Free Light Chains (FLCs) in both atopic and non-atopic inflammatory diseases, including severe asthma, providing a possible new biomarker of disease, disease severity and also an alternative approach to the treatment. Methods: We analyzed clinical and laboratory data, including FLCs, obtained from a cohort of 79 asthmatic subjects, clinically classified into different GINA steps. A control group of 40 age-matched healthy donors (HD) was considered. Particularly, HD have been selected according to the absence of monoclonal components (in order to exclude paraproteinemias), were tested for total IgE (that were in the normal ranges) and were negative for aeroallergens specific IgE. Moreover, no abnormality of common inflammatory markers (i.e. erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein) was detectable. Results: FLC-k levels were significantly increased in the asthmatic population, compared to the control group. Despite the absence of statistically significant differences in FLC-λ levels, the FLC-k/FLC-λ ratio displayed remarkable differences between the two groups. A positive correlation between FLC-κ and FLC-λ levels was found. FLC- λ level displayed a significant negative correlation with the FEV1 value. Moreover, the FLC-κ /FLC- λ ratio was negatively correlated with the SNOT-22 score and a positive correlation was observed between FLCs and Staphylococcus Aureus IgE enterotoxins sensitization. Conclusions: Our findings confirmed the role of FLCs in asthma as a potential biomarker in an inflammatory disease characterized by different endotypes and phenotypes. In particular, FLC-κ and FLC-k/FLC-λ ratio could be a qualitative indicator for asthma, while FLC-λ levels could be a quantitative indicator for disease severity.

Marcin Kurowski

and 9 more

This review presents state-of-the-art knowledge and identifies knowledge gaps for future research in the area of exercise-associated modifications of infection susceptibility. Regular moderate-intensity exercise is believed to have beneficial effects on immune health through lowering inflammation intensity and reducing susceptibility to respiratory infections. Infection-promoting consequences are attributed to strenuous exercise as performed by professional athletes. In about half of the athletes presenting respiratory symptoms, no causative pathogen can be identified. Acute bouts of exercise enhance release of proinflammatory mediators thus probably leading to appearance of infection-like respiratory symptoms. Studies assessing influence of regularly repeated exercise on immune response and systemic inflammation are far less numerous than those regarding acute exercise effects. This identifies another knowledge gap requiring further assessment both in recreational and in professional athletes Additionally, ambient and environmental conditions modify systemic inflammatory response and infection susceptibility in particular in outdoor athletes. Both acute and chronic regular exercise influence humoral and cellular immune response mechanisms resulting in decreased specific and non-specific response in competitive athletes. Most promising areas of further research in exercise immunology include: detailed immunological characterization of infection-prone and infection-resistant athletes; efficacy of nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions as countermeasures to infections’ symptoms; and influence of various exercise loads on susceptibility to infections with respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Establishing uniform definition of “elite athlete’ shall hopefully allow for comparable and straightforward interpretation of data coming from different studies and settings.

Ioana Agache

and 29 more

Ludger Klimek

and 16 more

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine BNT162b2 received approval and within the first few days of public vaccination several severe anaphylaxis cases occurred. An investigation is taking place to understand the cases and their triggers. The vaccine will be administered to a large number of individuals worldwide and concerns raised for severe adverse events might occur. With the current information, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) states its position for the following preliminary recommendations that are to be revised as soon as more data emerges. To minimize the risk of severe allergic reactions in vaccinated individuals, it is urgently required to understand the specific nature of the reported severe allergic reactions, including the background medical history of the individuals affected and the mechanisms involved. To achieve this goal all clinical and laboratory information should be collected and reported. Mild and moderate allergic patients should not be excluded from the vaccine as the exclusion of all these patients from vaccination may have a significant impact on reaching the goal of population immunity. Health care practitioners vaccinating against COVID-19 are required to be sufficiently prepared to recognise and treat anaphylaxis properly with the ability to administer adrenaline. A mandatory observation period after vaccine administration of at least 15 minutes for all individuals should be followed. The current guidelines, which exclude patients with severe allergies from vaccination with BNT162b2, should be re-evaluated after more information and experience with the new vaccine develops.