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Evidences of Large pyramid-like structure predating 10,000 Year BP at Mount Padang, West Java, Indonesia: Applications of geological-geophysical methods to explore buried large archeological site
  • +2
  • Danny Hilman Natawidjaja,
  • Andang Bachtiar,
  • Bagus Endar,
  • Mudrik Daryono,
  • Andri Subandrio
Danny Hilman Natawidjaja
Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Andang Bachtiar
Maurel & Prom Oli Co.
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Bagus Endar
Bandung Institute of Technology
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Mudrik Daryono
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
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Andri Subandrio
Bandung Institute of Technology
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Mount Padang archeological site has been known since late nineteen century as a megalithic complex that sits on top. Our studies proves that the structure does not cover just the top but also wrap around the slopes covering about 15 ha area at least. Comprehensive geophysical surveys combining ground penetration radar (GPR) and multi-channel resistivity methods, seismic tomography augmented by bore-holes coring data and archeological excavations, show further that the structures are not only superficial but rooted into greater depth. The structures are not built at once but consisting several layers from consecutive periods. The uppermost layer on the surface consists of horizontal piles of basaltic columnar rocks forming step-structure terraces and decorated by exotic arrangements of stand-up rock columns forming walls, paths and spaces. The second layer, which had been previously misinterpreted as natural rock formation, buried 1-3 meters beneath the ground surface, is a several-meter thick fills consisting of more compact and advance arrangement of similar columnar rocks in fine-grain matrix. The third layer is also artificial arrangement of rock fragments with various kinds that extent down to about 15 meter deep. The third layer sits on fractured, massive basaltic lava tongue. The survey also reveals evidences of large underground cavities or chambers. Results of preliminary radiocarbon dating indicates that the first layer was built around Cal BP 3,000. The second layer was built around about Cal BP 7,000. The third layer was built prior to Cal.BP. 9,500, and could be as old as Cal.BP.13,000 to 28,000 years old.