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November 24, 2020
Deep Sensing of Transient Electrokinetic Response of Aquifer-Aquitard System to Pumpi...
Bwalya Malama and Iason Pitsillides
January 29, 2020
Two Years of Sap Flow Data for Evapotranspiration Characterization in Riparian Vegeta...
Bwalya Malama and James Solum
January 15, 2020
Eigenvalue Uncoupling of Electrokinetic Flows
Kristopher Kuhlman and Bwalya Malama
January 07, 2019
Electrokinetic Laboratory Methods for Permeability Characterization
Kristopher Kuhlman, Melissa Mills, Bwalya Malama, et al.
September 22, 2021
Resolving the Stream Depletion Model Paradox: Theory of Depletion with Stream Drawdow...
Bwalya Malama and Ye-Chen Lin