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August 11, 2023
Sputum cytokines associated with raised FeNO after anti-IL5 biologic therapy in sever...
Pieter-Paul Hekking, Kayla Zhang, Carmen Paz Venegas Garrido, et al.
February 15, 2022
A unique CD27 - IgD - B-cells population in the sputum of severe eosinophilic asthma...
Nadia Suray Tan, Manali Mukherjee, Sheau Yng Lim, et al.
October 08, 2021
Evidence of autoimmunity triggered by SARS-CoV-2 in acute and Post-acute COVID-19: a...
Konstantinos Tselios, Rameen Jamil, Manali Mukherjee, et al.
May 27, 2021
Notch4, uncovering an immunomodulator in allergic asthma
Beatriz Moya, Manali Mukherjee, Parameswaran Nair, et al.
February 05, 2021
IL-13 signature in severe adult asthmatics with airway neutrophilia: a new endotype t...
Manali Mukherjee and Ioana Agache
October 08, 2020
Monitoring eosinophils to guide therapy with Biologics in Asthma: does the compartmen...
Leo Koenderman, Marwan Hassani, Manali Mukherjee, et al.