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in NS
  • +14
  • Stefania Arasi,
  • Ilenia Panasiti,
  • Lucia Caminiti,
  • Mariaelisabetta Conte,
  • Sveva Castelli,
  • Nonhlanhla Lunjani,
  • Paola Martelli,
  • Giovanni Pajno,
  • SImone Pelosi,
  • Ekaterina Potapova,
  • Ifigenia Sfika,
  • Ge Tan,
  • Salvatore Tripodi,
  • Danilo Villalta,
  • Valeria Villella,
  • Paolo Matricardi,
  • Cezmi Akdis
Stefania Arasi
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Ilenia Panasiti
Universitat Zurich Schweizerisches Institut fur Allergie- und Asthmaforschung
Author Profile
Lucia Caminiti
Universita degli Studi di Messina Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Author Profile
Mariaelisabetta Conte
Ospedale Santa Maria degli Angeli di Pordenone
Author Profile
Sveva Castelli
Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin Institut fur Medizinische Immunologie
Author Profile
Nonhlanhla Lunjani
Universitat Zurich Schweizerisches Institut fur Allergie- und Asthmaforschung
Author Profile
Paola Martelli
Ospedale Santa Maria degli Angeli di Pordenone
Author Profile
Giovanni Pajno
Universita degli Studi di Messina Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Author Profile
SImone Pelosi
TPS Production Rome Italy
Author Profile
Ekaterina Potapova
Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin Institut fur Medizinische Immunologie
Author Profile
Ifigenia Sfika
Ospedale Sandro Pertini
Author Profile
Ge Tan
Universitat Zurich Schweizerisches Institut fur Allergie- und Asthmaforschung
Author Profile
Salvatore Tripodi
Ospedale Sandro Pertini
Author Profile
Danilo Villalta
Ospedale Santa Maria degli Angeli di Pordenone
Author Profile
Valeria Villella
Ospedale Sandro Pertini
Author Profile
Paolo Matricardi
Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin Institut fur Medizinische Immunologie
Author Profile
Cezmi Akdis
Universitat Zurich Schweizerisches Institut fur Allergie- und Asthmaforschung
Author Profile


BACKGROUND: Characterization of disease endotypes will open a new window for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR). Herein we provide the first attempt to identify specific AR phenotypes/endotypes and/or any biomarker/predictor for specific treatment response based on local biological parameters. METHODS: This observational study was carried out in 142 patients with seasonal AR and 20 non-allergic controls. Total IgE levels, specific IgE to 112 allergenic molecules and 92 proinflammatory and immunologic proteins were measured in both serum and nasal secretions (NS). RESULTS: We found increased values of MCPs and MMPs in adults both in NS and serum when compared with pediatric patients (p<.05). MCPs and MMPs might represent two effective predictors of chronic inflammation. CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11, MCPs and MMP1 showed an upward trend both in serum and NS for patients with ≥ 3 comorbidities vs non-allergic controls(p<.05). These data suggest the involvement of these chemokines in the late phase of chronic allergic inflammation in the nose. Serum levels of IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 (p<.05) were significantly higher in patients with AR+asthma compared to patients with different comorbidities. Conversely, serum levels of neurotrophin-3 values (p<.05) were significantly higher in those with AR+eczema vs other comorbidities groups. A subgroup of patients with a nasal hypersecretory state,called “hypersecreter endotype” was characterized by paediatric age, male gender, grass pollen sensitization and distributed among persistent, mild or moderate to severe cases of AR. CONCLUSIONS: Our study sets the groundwork for an AR endotypization at molecular level, which is highly desirable to deliver a patient-tailored approach.