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Foley catheter tourniquet for uncontrollable extrauterine placental haemorrhage: description of a novel surgical technique.
  • GJ Hofmeyr,
  • Busiwe Majeke,
  • Mercy-Nkuba Nassali
GJ Hofmeyr
University of Botswana
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Busiwe Majeke
Walter Sisulu University School of Medicine
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Mercy-Nkuba Nassali
University of Botswana

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Haemorrhage from a partially detached extrauterine placenta can be catastrophic. We describe a novel surgical technique using a Foley's catheter tourniquet, applied between the partially detached and attached portions of the placenta of an irremovable placenta to control blood loss. It may be left in situ and removed at repeat laparotomy. The catheter tourniquet has equally shown utility with a removable placenta. Applied as a temporary tourniquet around structures surrounding the implantation site, the technique enables placenta removal with minimal haemorrhage. We report use of this surgical technique with good outcomes.