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Zolpidem: a masked hero. A reply to ZORRO study
  • +1
  • Fabio Lugoboni,
  • Rebecca Casari,
  • Francesca Fusina,
  • Lorenzo Zamboni
Fabio Lugoboni
Integrated University Hospital of Verona

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Rebecca Casari
Integrated University Hospital of Verona
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Francesca Fusina
Università degli Studi di Padova
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Lorenzo Zamboni
Integrated University Hospital of Verona
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The use of zolpidem has been driven by the still-widespread false belief among doctors that, since zolpidem is chemically not a benzodiazepine, it cannot lead to addiction and tolerance. We would like to contribute to better highlight certain characteristics of zolpidem and its potential as a substance of abuse due to the fact that our operating unit, which is entirely dedicated to medication abuse, has described among the most numerous cases of addiction to high doses of benzodiazepines and related hypnotics. - Zolpidem was in fourth place among the 29 molecules present on the Italian market; - We believe it’s now time to drop the term “Z-drugs”: zolpidem, zopiclone e zaneplon all have different chemical structures, they bind to different receptors and have completely different abuse potentials3. In our case history, both zopiclon and zaneplon were virtually absent, albeit being commonly used in Italy; - Istvan & colleagues highlight the fact that addiciton and abuse are prevalent in samples suffering from mental illness. In our case history this hasn’t been confirmed: about half of our patients had no history of psychiatric illnesses, nor a history of addiction to illicit substances or alcohol; - Lastly, regarding zolpidem’s hazardousness, we would like to report the fact that the drug was significantly preferred by addicts with a positive ADHD test result. In conclusion, the 2000s saw solid confirmation of the effectiveness of partial agonists in the treatment of some common addictions, such as buprenorphine, varenicline, cytisine. This didn’t happen for BZs
04 Feb 2021Submitted to British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
05 Feb 2021Submission Checks Completed
05 Feb 2021Assigned to Editor
10 Feb 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
27 Feb 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
05 Mar 2021Editorial Decision: Revise Major
05 Mar 20211st Revision Received
08 Mar 2021Submission Checks Completed
08 Mar 2021Assigned to Editor
08 Mar 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
13 Mar 2021Editorial Decision: Accept