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Predictors of pulmonary function at six years of age in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Brianna Aoyama,
  • Joseph Collaco,
  • Sharon McGrath-Morrow
Brianna Aoyama
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Campus

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Joseph Collaco
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Author Profile
Sharon McGrath-Morrow
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Author Profile


Rationale: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a major complication of premature birth and the most common cause of chronic lung disease in infancy. Previous studies have shown that children with a history of BPD have impaired lung function in childhood compared to their term counterparts. However, little is known about potential modifiable factors that alter lung function trajectories and subsequent respiratory morbidity in this population. Objectives: To identify potential modifiable risk factors for the development of impaired lung function in patients with a history of prematurity and BPD. Methods: Growth parameters (birth, 2yo, 6yo) and pulmonary function testing (6yo) were retrospectively reviewed for subjects (n=598) recruited from an outpatient BPD clinic who were born ≤36 weeks gestation and were ≥5 years of age. Results: Of the 598 recruited subjects, 88 (14.7%) performed adequate pulmonary function testing at approximately six years of age. The mean FEV1% predicted was 84.5% with lower values associated with lower median household income, Nissen fundoplication, and higher weight percentiles at 2yo. The mean FVC % predicted was 94.2% with lower values associated with higher amounts of oxygen required at time of initial hospital discharge, Nissen fundoplication, and higher weight percentiles at 2yo. Conclusions: Our study found that children with BPD have different long-term pulmonary trajectories than full-term controls. Supplemental oxygen, lower income, and Nissen fundoplication at discharge were associated with lower lung function at 6 years of age. Prospective studies should focus on modifiable risk factors that could minimize the impact of BPD on later lung function.
09 Oct 2020Submitted to Pediatric Pulmonology
10 Oct 2020Submission Checks Completed
10 Oct 2020Assigned to Editor
10 Oct 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
01 Nov 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
06 Nov 2020Editorial Decision: Revise Major
01 Dec 20201st Revision Received
02 Dec 2020Submission Checks Completed
02 Dec 2020Assigned to Editor
02 Dec 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
17 Dec 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
19 Dec 2020Editorial Decision: Accept